Wage Indexation 2022 JIC 200 Surprising

Business Belgium - Wage indexation 2025

Written by Admin


Each year in January, there is an index adjustment of the salaries for the employees resorting under Joint Committee for Industry 200 (JIC 200). This year, employers in JIC 200 are particularly surprised by the 2022 wage indexation in Belgium. You have to know that they are obliged to include the wage adjustment for their employees in the payroll.

Wage Indexation 2022

The Joint Industrial Committee 200 (JIC 200), with 450.000 employees, is Belgium’s largest Joint Industrial Committee. Business Belgium - Wage indexation 2022 JIC 200

Salary indexation is the mechanism whereby salaries are linked to the consumer price index.

The percentage of the salary indexation for January 2022 amounts to 3,58 %.

E.g. An employee’s gross salary amounts to € 2.500,00 in December 2021. His new monthly gross salary as from January 2022 will be equal to € 2.589,50 (= € 2.500,00 x 103,58%).

It also entails that the yearly premium that needs to be paid in June 2022 (if not replaced by an equivalent benefit), will amount to € 277,22.

If you like Wage indexation 2022, most probably our post Belgian wage indexation reveal could interest you as well.

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