The COVID-19 pandemic has drastically changed the work organisation. Our homes have become our offices, although not everybody has office furniture at home. The fight against COVID-19 pandemic, also known as the coronavirus pandemic, is encouraging companies to think creative and to allow employees to work from home.
20% of the Belgians work from home
Of course this is not possible for employees who are working in a factory, on construction sites, in a shop or in healthcare. But for a substantial part of the workers population in Belgium, teleworking is possible. Most of them are white collar workers. As a result, teleworking became common practice and more than 20% of the Belgians work from home these days.
Benefits of teleworking
For employees, the main benefit of teleworking is the time saved by commuting less. On top, many employees are satisfied because they no longer experience stress or fatigue from not commuting. Another big advantage is a better work-life balance.
The financial advantage for employers it that they have to pay less travel expenses to their staff. Employers offering the possibility to work from home, are more attractive for employees and have an advantage in the so-called “war for talent”.
Disadvantages of teleworking
On the other hand, there are also disadvantages. The biggest drawback appears to be the lack of social contact with colleagues. And employees can no longer distinguish between working time and free time. Employees face also the problem that homes have become offices without a dedicated workspace.
Office furniture at home
It is true that not all employees have adapted office furniture at home. Some have to work on the kitchen table with a kitchen chair, on the sofa or in the bedroom. It’s not ideal for productivity, nor is it particularly comfortable.
Benefit in kind for office furniture?
Some employers are interested to support employees with an ergonomic office chair or furnishing material. Employers may purchase equipment needed for teleworking, without creating a benefit in kind for the employees. Keep in mind that in that case, the employer must have a policy about restitution or purchase by the employee if an employee no longer works from home or resigns. Your payroll provider can assist with drafting such a policy.
Giotto’s home office furniture rental
Employers that are looking for a solution to offer their employees an ideal home office, only for the time they need it, have to contact the startup company Giotto. We recently met the French Juliette Jaupitre, the Italian Leonardo Vezzati and the Belgian Justine Hoppenbrouwers, founders of Giotto. They started Giotto during the lockdown to support people that were forced to work from home. Giotto is an online rental platform for home offices. All types of desks, office chairs, lightings and monitors are delivered and assembled for free in 14 days. The monthly subscription formula avoids high upfront costs. Because of Giotto’s circular business model, they take the furniture back when it’s not needed anymore.
Circular business model
Giotto take the furniture back when it’s not needed anymore. With local partners, they inspect, sanitize and refurbish it so it can be rented out in a perfect condition to the next user. Giotto works with European and sustainable suppliers, selecting certified ergonomic furniture and equipment that’s perfect for their service, meaning it’s easy to (dis)assemble, store, clean and repair. It is possible to change the subscription at anytime with one-month prior notice. At the end of the subscription plan, you can choose to extend it, swap items or return everything. If somebody wants to keep their home office, they can buy it by paying the difference between the total value and what they’ve paid so far.
How to get happy employees?
If you are Interested to become an attractive employer by offering your employees practical home office furniture rental, then you have to go to Giotto‘s website. And don’t forget to contact a legal advisor of Pro-Pay to draft a policy.